WordPress Site Maintenance

From: $300.00 / month

Would you leave your house without sweeping or taking out the garbage for a full year? Well neither you can’t leave your WordPress site without maintenance. Let us help you with that.


Your web site is more than files in a host, it’s a showcase of your company to the internet.

The same way you don’t leave your house without sweeping or taking the garbage out for a year, you can’t leave your web site without maintenance.

Let us worry for keeping your site working, so you can be busy in keeping your company producing.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: What are backups “outside the site”?
A: Normally, plugins backups or backups offered by a hosting server, are saved on your own website, but if something happens to your website or hosting server you will be left without backups. Is like keeping all countable documents in your office and having your office burn down. You lose it all and must start over. A backup outside the site, secures you if something happens to your website, you will have the chance to recover all.

Q: What is the purpose of you updating WordPress, plugins, and/or themes? As far as i know, updates are automatic, or I can do it by myself.
A: WordPress and its ecosystem is constantly updating and always bringing fixes and improvements to the main system (WordPress) also plugins and themes, that’s why is essential been updated to avoid security flaws and get improvements. However, sometimes updates bring errors affecting hundreds of sites and it’s better to avoid them until we get a solution. My work is to know what plugins could be or couldn’t be causing errors in your site, to update only when is secure and you won’t lose valuables visits due to a plugin bad update. That’s the reason we make a backup of your site and do a visual inspection after the update, to confirm everything is all right.

Q: What is a minor change?
A: Minor change is every work that take us less than an hour. Some examples are: add a menu, change the color or change an image. If you have some minor changes that you think it will take us less than 10 minutes each one, our recommendation is that you ask all at once, cause every time you ask for a minor change it will count as “one minor change.”

Q: What happen if I run out of minor changes?
A: If you run out of minor changes, you can hire a new minor changes plan. Contact us to talk about it.

Q: What happens if what I ask takes more than an hour?
A: We have some options.
1.- If you still having active minor changes, I’ll let you know that your works will take X minor changes.
2.- I’ll let you know that your work is more complicated than a minor change that you have, and you will have to choose between hiring a changes plan or that work is not a minor change and requires tailored development.

Q: I still having questions, how do I contact you?
A: If you have additional doubts, you can send me a message in the contact form and I’ll be answering you as soon as possible. You can also write to my chatbot

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